原口 一広
昭和59年3月 昭和大学 薬学部 薬学科卒業
昭和61年3月 昭和大学大学院 薬学研究科 修士課程修了
平成元年 3月 昭和大学大学院 薬学研究科 博士課程修了
平成元年 4月 昭和大学 薬学部 薬品製造化学講座 助手
平成10年4月 昭和大学 薬学部 薬品製造化学講座助教授
平成12年4月〜平成13年3月 コロラド州立大学化学科(Marc M. Greenberg教授)に博士研究員として留学
平成19年4月 昭和大学 薬学部 薬品製造化学講座准教授
平成25年4月 日本薬科大学大学 薬学部 薬品創製化学 教授
原口 一広, ”4-チオフラノイドグリカールを糖供与体として利用する4’-チオヌクレオシドの立体選択的な合成法の確立とその血管新生阻害作用に関する研究”, 薬学研究の進歩、22、39-48 (2006).
田中 博道、早川弘之、原口 一広、伊藤 佳治、加藤 恵介、熊本 浩樹、窪田 豊、竹田 慎吾、島田 央、 “ヌクレオシドの合成化学から抗ウイルス剤の創生へ”, 昭和大学薬学雑誌、1, 109-125 (2010).
原口 一広、“エポキシ糖の反応性を利用する立体制御された分岐糖ヌクレオシドの合成研究:抗HIV活性を有するFestinavirの開発”, 昭和大学薬学雑誌、2, 15-29 (2011).
Haraguch, K; Takeda, S; Kubota, Y; Kumamoto, H; Tanaka, H; Hamasaki, T; Baba, M; Paintsil, E; Cheng, Y.-C. “From the chemistry of epoxy-sugar nucleosides to the discovery of anti-HIV agent Festinavir”, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, 19, 1880-1897.
Kumamoto H., Fukano M., Imoto S., Kohgo S., Amano M., Kuwata-Higashi N., Mitsuya H., Haraguchi K. Fukuhara K. A novel entecavir analogue constructing with spiro[2.4]heptane core structure in the aglycon moiety: its synthesis and evaluation for anti-HBV activity, Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 2017, 36, 1-11.
Kumamoto H., Fukano M., Nakano T., Iwagami K., Takeyama C., Kohgo S., Imoto, S., Amano M., Kuwata-Higashi, N., Aoki M., Mitsuya H., Fukuhara K., Haraguchi K., Diastereoselective synthesis of 6”- (Z)- and (E)-fluoro analogues of anti-hepatitis B virus agent Entecavir and its evaluation of the activity and toxicity profile of the diastereomers. J. Org.Chem., 81, 2827-2836 (2016).
Pande P., Haraguchi K., Greenberg M. M.. Basu A. Y., Unlike catalyzing error-free bypass of 8-oxo-dG, DNA Polymerase λ Is responsible for a major part of Fapy-dG-induced G→T mutations in human cells, Biochemistry, 54, 1859-1862 (2015).
Imoto S., Kohgo S., Tokuda R., Kumamoto H., Aoki M., Amano M., Kuwata-Higashi N., Mitsuya, H., Haraguchi K., Design, synthesis and evaluation of anti-HBV activity of hybrid molecules of entecavir and adefovir: exomethylene acycloguanine nucleosides and its monophosphate derivatives, Nucleosides, nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, , 34, 590-602 (2015).
Takamatsu Y., Tanaka Y., Kohgo S., Murakami S., Singh K., Das D., Venzon D., Amano M., Kuwata N., Aoki M. Delino N., Hayashi S., Takahashi S., Sukenaga Y., Haraguchi K., Sarafianos, S., Maeda K., Mitsuya H., 4’-Modified nucleoside analogs: potent inhibitors active against entecavir-resistant Hepatitis B virus”, Hepatology, 62, 1024-1036 (2015).
Duraffour S., Drillien R., Haraguch K., Balzarini, J.; van den Oord, J. J., Andrei, G., Snoeck, R., KAY-2-41, a novel nucleoside analogue inhibitor of orthopoxviruses in vitro and in vivo”, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 2014, 58, 27-37.
Coen N., Duraffour S., Haraguch K., van den Oord, J. J., Balzarini J., Snoeck R., Andrei G., Unique spectrum of anti-herpesvirus activity and potent in vitro and in vivo efficacy against Epstein-Barr virus mediated by 4’-thiothymidine analogs”, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 2014, 58, 4328-4340.
Shimada H., Haraguchi, K., Hotta K., Miyaike T., Kitagawa Y., Tanaka H., Kaneda R., Abe H., Shuto S., Mori K., Ueda Y., Kato N., Snoeck R., Andrei G., Balzarini Y., Synthesis of 3’,4’-difluoro-3’-deoxyribonucleosides and its evaluation of the biological activities: discovery of a novel type of anti-HCV agent 3’,4’-difluorocordycepin, Bioorg. Med. Chem, 2014, 22, 6174-6182.
Haraguch K., Takeda S., Kubota Y., Kumamoto H., Tanaka H., Hamasaki T., Baba M., Paintsil E., Cheng Y.-C., From the chemistry of epoxy-sugar nucleosides to the discovery of anti-HIV agent Festinavir, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2013, 19, 1880-1897.
Kubota Y., Kaneda Y., Haraguch K., Abe H., Shuto S., Hamasaki T., Baba M., Tanaka H., Synthesis of novel 4’-C-Methyl-1’,3’-dioxolane pyrimidine nucleosides and evaluation of its anti-HIV-1 activity, Tetrahedron, 2013, 69, 10884-10892.
Kumamoto, H.; Kawahigashi, S.; Wakabayashi, H.; Nakano, T.; Miyaike, T.; Kitagawa, Y.; Abe, H.; Ito, M.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H. “Tuning Efficiency of the 4-Exo-trig Cyclization by Electronic Effect: Ring-Closure of 3,3-Difluoro-4-pentenyl Carbon Radicals and Synthesis of gem-Difluorocyclobutane Nucleoside ”, Chem. Commun. 2012, 00, 8710-8717.
Kubota, Y.; Ehara, M.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H. “Phenylsulfanylation of 3’,4’-unsaturated adenosine employing thiophenol-N-iodosuccinimide leads to 4’-phenylsulfanylcordycepin: synthesis of 4’-substituted cordycepins on the basis of substitution of the phenylsulfanyl leaving group ”, J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 8710-8717.
Haraguchi, K.; Horii, C.; Yoshimura, Y.; Ariga, F.; Tadokoro, A., Tanaka, H. “An access to the b-anomer of 4’-thio-C-ribonucleosides: hydroboration of 1-C-Aryl- or 1-C-hetreoaryl-4-thiofuranoid glycals and its regiochemical outcome ”, J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 8658-8669.
Haraguchi, K.; Shimada, H.; Kimura, K.; Akutsu, G.; Tanaka, H., Abe, H.; Hamasaki, T.; Baba, M.; Gullen, E. A.; Dutschman, G. E.; Cheng, Y.-C.; Balzarini, Y. “Synthesis of 4’-ethynyl-2’-deoxy-4’-thioribonucleosides and discovery of a highly potent and less toxic NRTI”, ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 2, 692-697.
Shimada, H.; Kikuchi, S.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H., “Preparation of 4’-benznensulfonyl-3’-deoxythymidine and its reaction with organoaluminum and organosilicon reagents”, Carbohydr. Res. 2010, 345, 2616-2622.
Kogo, M.; Saito, I.; Kurata, N.; Sasaki, K.; Ishii, M.; Haraguchi, K.; Kiuchi, Y.; Yamamoto, T., “A questionnaire survey of students who attempted the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) at the School of Pharmacy, Showa University”, The Showa University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2010, 1, 63-71.
Kubota, Y.; Ishizaki, N.; Haraguchi, K.; Hamasaki, T.; Baba, M.; Tanaka, H., “Synthesis and anti-HIV-1 evaluation of phosphonates which mimic the 5’-monophosphate of 4’-branched 2’,3’-didehydro-2’,3’-dideoxy nucleosides”, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2010, 18, 7186-7192.
Haraguchi, K.; Konno, K.; Yamada, K.; Kitagawa, Y.; Nakamura, K. T.; Tanaka, H., “Electrophilic glycosidation employing 3,5-O-(di-tert-butylsilylene)-erythro-furanoid glycal leads to exclusive formation of the β-anomer: synthesis of 2’-deoxynucleosides and its 1’-branched analogues”, Tetrahedron 2010, 66, 4587-4600.
Kubota, Y.; Nakamura, K.; Ishizaki, N.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H., “Stereoselective preparation of 1-[5-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-2,3-dideoxy-3-iodo-b-D-threo -pentofuranosyl]thymine from thymidine: an efficient entry to 3’,4’-unsaturated nucleoside”, Syntheth. Commun. 2010, 40, 1758-1764.
Kubota, Y. Ehara, M.; Shimada, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H., “Synthesis of 4’-substituted cordycepins via benzenesulfenylation at the 4’-position as a key step”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 2009, 53, 99-100.
Haraguchi, K.; Shimada, H.; Akutsu, G.; Kimura, K.; Tanaka, H.; Hamasaki, T.; Baba, M.; Gullen, E. A.; Dutschman, G. E.; Cheng, Y.-C.; Balzalini, J., “Synthesis and anti-HIV activity of 4’-C-ethynyl-2’-deoxy-4’-thionucleosides”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 2009, 53, 97-98.
Shimada, H.; Kikuchi, S.; Okuda, S.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H., “Reaction of the 4’-benzenesulfonyl derivatives of thymidine with organosilicon and organoaluminum reagent”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 2009, 53, 1-2.
Kumamoto, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Ida, M.; Nakamura, K. T.; Kitagawa, Y.; Hamasaki, T.; Baba, M.; Shimbara Matsubayashi, S.; Tanaka, H., “Synthesis of -(±)-4’-ethynyl-5’,5’-difluoro-2’,3’-didehydro-3’-deoxy-carbocyclic thymidine: a difluoromethylidene analogue of promising anti-HIV agent Ed4T”, Tetrahedron 2009, 65, 7630-7636.
Shimada, H.; Kikuchi, S.; Okuda, S.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H., “Nucleophilic substitution approach to 4’-substituted thymidines by employing 4’-benzenesulfonyl leaving group”, Tetrahedron 2009, 65, 6008-6016.
Kubota, Y.; Kunikata, M.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H., “Solvent effect observed in nucleophilic substitution of 4’-(benzoyloxy)cordycepin with AlMe3: stereochemical evidence for SNi mechanism ”, J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 3402-3405.
Haraguchi, K.; Matsui, H.; Takami, S.; Tanaka, H. “Additive Pummerer reaction of 3,5-O-(di-t-butylsilylene)-4-thiofuranoid glycal: A high yield and b-selective entry to 4’-thioribonucleosides ”, J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 2616-2619.
Kubota, Y.; Ishizaki, N.; Kaneda, Y.; Haraguchi, K.; Odanaka, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Kato, N.; Baba, M.; Balzarini, J., “Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of 4’-alkoxy analogues of 9-(b-D-xylofuranosyl)adenine”, Antiviral Chem. Chemother. 2009, 19, 201-212.
Kumamoto, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Ida, M.; Tanaka, H.; Hamasaki, T.; Baba, M., “Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of (±)-4’-ethynyl-5’-difluoro-carbocyclic-d4T analogue”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 2008, 52, 609-610.
Haraguchi, K.; Shimada, H.; Tanaka, H.; Hamasaki, T.; Baba, M.; Gullen, E. A.; Dutschman, G. E.; Cheng, Y.-C., “Synthesis and anti-HIV activity of 4’-substituted 4’-thiothymidines: a new entry based on nucleophilic substitution of the 4’-acetoxy group”, J. Med. Chem. 2008, 51, 1835-1893.
Kubota, Y.; Kunikata, M.; Ishizaki, N.; Haraguchi, K.; Odanaka, Y.; Tanaka, H., “Synthesis of 4’-benzoyloxycorycepin from adenosine”, Tetrahedron 2008, 64, 2391-2396.
Krishnamurthy, N.; Haraguchi, K.; Greenberg, M. M.; David, S. S., “Efficient removal of formamidopyrimidines by 8-oxoguanine glycosylases”, Biochemistry 2008, 47, 1043-1050.
Haraguchi, K.; Matsui, H.; Takami, S.; Tanaka, H. “Additive Pummerer reaction of 3,5-O-(di-t-butylsilylene)-4-thiofuranoid glycal and stereoselective synthesis of b-anomer of 4’-thioribonucleosides”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 2007, 51, 143-144.
Tanaka, H.; Kubota, Y.; Takeda, S.; Haraguchi, K., “Synthetic use of epoxy-sugar nucleosides”, Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 2007, 26, 547-554.
Haraguchi, K.; Sumino, M.; Tanaka, H. “An alternative synthetic method for 4’-C-ethynylstavudine by means of nucleophilic substitution of 4’-benzoyloxythymine nucleoside”, Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 2007, 26, 835-839.
Haraguchi, K.; Shimada, H.; Tanaka, H., “Nucleophilic substitution of 4’-acetoxy-4’-thionucleosides: a new access to 4’-substituted 4’-thiothymidines”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 2006, 50, 115-116.
Kumamoto, H.; Nakai, T.; Haraguchi, K.; Nakamura, K. T.; Tanaka, H., “Synthesis and anti-HIV-1 activity of 4’-branched (±)-4’-thiostavudine”, J. Med. Chem. 2006, 49, 7861-7867.
Kalam, M. A.; Haraguchi, K.; Chandani, S.; Loechler, E. L.; Moriya, M.; Greenberg, M. M.; Basu, A. K., “Genetic effects of oxidative DNA damages: comparative mutagenesis of the imidazole ring-opened formamidepyrimidines (Fapy lesions) and 8-oxo-purines in simian kidney cells”, Nucleic. Acids. Res. 2006, 34, 2305-2315.
Haraguchi, K.; Sumino, M.; Tanaka, H., “Nucleophilic substitution at the 4’-position of nucleoside: new access to a promising anti-HIV agent 2’,3’-didehydro-3’-deoxy-4’-ethynylthymidine (4’-Ed4T)”, J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71, 4433-4438.
Yoshimura, Y.; Kuze, T.; Ueno, M.; Komiya, F.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Kano, F.; Yamada, K.; Asami, K.; Kaneko, N.; Takahata, H., “A practical synthesis of 4’-thioribonucleosides”, Tetrahedron Lett. 2006, 47, 591-594..
Kubota, Y.; Haraguchi, K.; Kunikata, M.; Hayashi, M.; Ohkawa, M.; Tanaka, H., “Anti- versus syn-opening of epoxide derived from 9-(3-deoxy-b-D-glycero-pent-3-enofuranosyl)adenine with Me3Al: factors controlling the stereoselectivity”, J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71, 1099-1103.
Hu, J.; De Souza-Pinto, N. C.; Haraguchi, K.; Hogue, B. A.; Jaruga, P.; Greenberg, M. M.; Dizdaroglu, M.; Bohr, V. A., “Repair of formamidopyrimidines in DNA involves different glycosylase: role of the OGG1, NTH 1 and NEIL1 enzymes”, J. Biol. Chem. 2005, 280, 40544-.40551.
Tanaka, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Kumamoto, H.; Baba, M.; Cheng, Y.-C., “4’-Ethynylstavudine (4’-Ed4T) has potent anti-HIV-1 activity with reduced toxicity and shows a unique activity profile against drug-resistant mutants”, Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy 2005, 16, 217-221.
Kubota, Y.; Kunikata, M.; Ohsawa, R.; Odajima, Y.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H., “Synthesis of 4’-substituted cordycepin”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 2005, 49, 111-112.
Nitanda, T.; Wang, X.; Kumamoto, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Cheng, Y.-C.; Baba, M., “Anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 activity and resistance profile of 2’,3’-didehydro-3’-deoxy-4’-ethynylthymidine in vitro”, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2005, 49, 3355-3360.
Wiederholt, C. J.; Patro J. N.; Jiang, Y. L.; Haraguchi, K.; Greenberg, M. M., “Excision of formamidopyrimidine lesions by endonuclease III and VIII is not a major DNA repair pathway in Escherichia coli”, Nucleic Acids Research 2005, 33, 3331-3338.
Kumamoto, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Nitanda, T.; Baba,, M.; Dutschman,, G. E.; Cheng, Y.-C. “Synthesis of (±)-4’-ethynyl and 4’-cyano carbocyclic analogues of stavudine (d4T)”, Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 2005, 24, 73-83.
Haraguchi, K.; Takeda, S.; Sumino, M.; Tanaka, H.; Dutschman,, G. E.; Cheng, Y.-C.; Nitanda, T.; Baba,, M., “A new approach to the synthesis of 4’-carbon-substituted nucleosides: development of a highly active anti-HIV agent 2’,3’-didehydro-3’-deoxy-4’-ethynylthymidine”, Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids, 2005, 24, 343-347.
Ogamino, J.; Mizunuma, H.; Kumamoto, H.; Takeda, S.; Haraguchi, K.; Nakamura, K. T.; Sugiyama, H.; Tanaka, H. “5-Exo versus 6-endo cyclization of nucleoside 2-sila-5-hexenyl radicals: reaction of 6-(bromomethyl)dimetylsilyl 1’,2’-unsaturated uridines”, J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70, 1684-1690.
Ogamino, J.; Mizunuma, H.; Kumamoto, H; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H. “Rection of the 2’-silyl and 2’-stannyl derivatives of 6-(bromomethyl)dimetylsilyl 1’,2’-unsaturated uridine under radical conditions”, Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids, 2005, 24, 1439-1447.
Jiang, Y. L.; Wiederholt, C. J.; Patro, J. N.; Haraguchi, K.; Greenberg, M. M., “Synthesis of oligonucleotides containing fapy.dG (N6-(2-deoxy-a,b-D- erythropentofuranosyl)-2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-formamidopyrimidine) using a 5’-dimethoxytrityl dinucleotide phosphoroamidite”, J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70, 141-149.
Patro, J. N.; Haraguchi, K.; Delaney, M. O.; Greenberg, M. M., “Probing the configuration of formamidopyrimidine lesions Fapy.dA and Fapy.dG in DNA using endonuclease IV”, Biochemistry 2004, 43, 13397-13403.
Kubota, Y.; Haraguchi, K.; Kunikata, Y.; Hayashi, M.; Ohkawa, M.; Tanaka, H., “Stereoselective synthesis of 4’-carbon-substituted xylofuranosyladenines”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 2004, 48, 47-48.
Haraguchi, K.; Sumino, M.; Takeda, S.; Tanaka, H., “An alternative method suitable for a large scale synthesis of 4’-ethynyl-2’,3’-didehydro-3’-deoxythymidine”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 2004, 48, 43-44.
Kumamoto, H.; Kato, K.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Nitanda, T.; Baba, M.; Dutschman, G. E.; Cheng, Y.-C., “Synthesis of carbocyclic analogues of 4’-ethynyl- and 4’-cyano-d4T”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 2004, 48, 41-42.
Haraguchi, K.; Takahashi, H.; Tanaka, H.; Hayakawa, H.; Ashida, N.; Nitanda, T.; Baba, M. “Synthesis and antiviral activities of 1’-carbon-substituted 4’-thiothymidines”, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2004, 12, 5309-5316.
Haraguchi, K.; Shiina, N.; Yoshimura, Y.; Shimada, H.; Hashimoto, K.; Tanaka, H. “Novel stereoselective entry to 2’-b-carbon-substituted 2’-deoxy-4’-thionucleosides from 4-thiofuranoid glycals”, Org. Lett. 2004, 6, 2645-2648.
Dutschman, G. E.: Grill, S. P.: Gullen, E. A.: Haraguchi, K.; Takeda, S.; Tanaka, H.; Baba, M.; Cheng, Y.-C., “A novel 4’-substituted D4T analog with improved anti-HIV activity and decreased cytotoxicity”, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2004, 48, 1640-1646.
Haraguchi, K.; Takeda, S.; Honma, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Nitanda, T.; Baba, M.; Dutschman, G. E.; Cheng, Y.-C., “4’-Cyano-2’,3’-didehydro-3’-deoxythymidine: a new anti-HIV agent”, Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 2004, 23, 647-654.
Haraguchi, K.; Kubota, Y.; Tanaka, H., “Stereoselective entry to 1’-substituted ribonucleosides through nucleophilic ring opening of 1’,2’-epoxynucleosides with aluminum reagent”, J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69, 1831-1836.
Toyohara, J.; Hayashi, A.; Sato, M.; Gogami, A.; Tanaka, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Yoshimura, Y.; Kumamoto, H.; Yonekura, Y.; Fujibayashi, Y., ”Development of radioiodinated nucleoside analogs for imaging tissue proliferation: comparison of six 5-iodonucleosides”, Nuclear Medicine and Biology 2003, 30, 687-696.
Haraguchi, K.; Shiina, N.; Yoshimura, Y.; Hashimoto, K.; Tanaka, H., “Stereoselective synthesis of 2’-b-carbon-substituted 2’-deoxy-4’-thioribonucleosides from 4-thiofuranoid glycal”, Nucleic Acids Reseaach Supplement 2003, 3, 7-8.
Haraguchi, K.; Takeda, S.; Tanaka, H.; Nitanda, T.; Baba, M.; Cheng, Y.-C., ”Synthesis of a highly active new anti-HIV agent 2’,3’-didehydro-3’-deoxy-4’-ethynylthymidine“, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2003, 13, 3775-3777.
Haraguchi, K.; Takahashi, H.; Tanaka, H., ”4-Thiofuranoid glycals: versatile synthons for stereoselective synthesis of 4’-thionucleosides”, Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 2003, 22, 763-765.
Haraguchi, K.; Takeda, S.; Tanaka, H., ”Ring opening of 4’,5’-epoxynucleosides: stereoselective entry to 4’-carbon-substituted nucleosides”, Org. Lett. 2003, 5, 1399-1402.
Haraguchi, K.; Itoh, Y.; Matsumoto, K.; Hashimoto, K.; Nakamura, K. T.; Tanaka, H., “Stereoselective synthesis of 1’-C-branched arabinofuranosyl nucleosides via anomeric radicals generated by 1,2-acyloxy migartion”, J. Org. Chem. 2003, 68, 2006-2009.
Toyohara, J.; Hayashi, A.; Sato, M.; Tanaka, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Yoshimura, Y.; Yonekura, Y.; Fujibayashi, Y., ”Rationale of 5-125I-iodo-4’-thio-2’-deoxyuridine as a potential iodinated proliferation marker”, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2002, 43, 1218-1226.
Kumamoto, H.; Murasaki, M.; Haraguchi, K.; Anamura, A.; Tanaka, H., ”Nucleophilic addition of benezenethiol to 1’,2’-unsaturated nucleosides: 1’-C-phenylthio-2’-deoxynucleosides as anomeric radical precursors”, J. Org. Chem. 2002, 67, 6124-6130.
Haraguchi, K.; Kubota, Y.; Tanaka, H., ”Ring opening of nucleosidic 1’,2’-epoxides with aluminum reagent: a new stereoselective entry to 1’-C-substituted ribonucleosides”, Nucleic Acids Reseaach Supplement 2002, 2, 17-18.
Haraguchi, K.; Takeda, S.; Tanaka, H., “Reaction of 4’,5’-epoxynucleosides with carbon nucleophiles: stereoselective synthesis of 4’-C-carbon-substituted nucleosides”, Nucleic Acids Reseaach Supplement 2002, 2, 133-134.
Haraguchi, K.; Takahashi, H.; Tanaka, H., ”Stereoselective entry to 1’-C-branched 4’-thionucleosides from 4-thiofuranoid glycal: synthesis of 4’-thioangustmycin C”, Tetrahedron Lett. 2002, 43, 5647-5660.
Haraguchi, K.; Delaney, M. O.; Wiederholt, C. J.; Sambandam A.; Hantosi, Z.; Greenberg, M. M., ”Synthesis and characterization of oligodeoxynucleotides containing formamidopyrimidine lesions and nonhydrolyzable analogues”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 3263-3269.
Haraguchi, K.; Takahashi, H.; Shiina, N.; Horii, C.; Yoshimura, Y.; Nishikawa, A.; Sasakura, E.; Nakamura, K. T.; Tanaka, H., ”Stereoselective synthesis of b-anomer of 4’-thionucleosides based on electrophilic glycosidation to 4-thiofuranoid glycals”, J. Org. Chem. 2002, 67, 5919-5927.
Haraguchi, K.; Delaney, M. O.; Wiederholt, C. J.; Sambandam, A.; Hantosi, Z.; Greenberg, M. M., ”Synthesis and characterization of oligonucleotides containing formamidopyrimidine lesion (Fapy dA, Fapy dG) at defined sites”, Nucleic Acids Reseaach Supplement, 2001, 1, 129-130.
Haraguchi, K.; Takahashi, H.; Tanaka, H., “Stereoselective synthesis of 1’-C-carbon-substituted 4’-thionucleosides from 4-thiofuranoid glycal”, Nucleic Acids Research Supplement, 2001, 1, 31-32.
Haraguchi, K.; Greenberg, M. M., “Synthesis of oligonucleotides containing Fapy dG(N6-(2-deoxy-D-erythro-pento-furanosyl)-2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-formamidopyrimidine)”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 8636-8637.
Kumamoto, H.; Ogamino, J.; Tanaka, H.; Suzuki, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Miyasaka, T.; Yokomatsu, T.; Shibuya, S., “Radical-mediated furanose ring reconstruction from 2’,3’-seco-uridine”, Tetrahedron 2001, 57, 3331-3341.
Kumamoto, H.; Shindoh, S.; Tanaka, H.; Ito, Y.; Haraguchi, K.; Gen, E.; Kittaka, A.; Miyasaka, T.; Kondoh, M.; Nakamura, K. T., “An intramolecular anionic migration of a stannyl group from the 6-position of 1-(2-deoxy-D-erythro-pent-1-enofuranosyl)uracil to the 2’-position: synthesis of 2’-substituted 1’,2’-unsaturated uridines”, Tetrahedron 2000, 56, 5363-5371.
Kumamoto, H.; Tanaka, H.; Ogamino, J.; Suzuki, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Miyasaka, T., “Synthesis of 3’-a-carbon-substituted 2’,3’-dideoxyribonucleosides from naturally occurring nucleosides”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 1999, 31, 1-2.
Haraguchi, K.; Hosoe, M.; Tanaka, H.; Tsuruoka, S.; Kanmuri, K.; Miyasaka, T., “The synthesis of octosyl nucleosides based on intramolecular oxyselenation of a conjugated diene”, Tetrahedron Lett. 1998, 39, 5517-5520.
Haraguchi, K.; Nishikawa, A.; Sasakura, E.; Tanaka, H.; Nakamura, K. T.; Miyasaka, T., “Electrophilic addition to 4-thio furanoid glycal: a highly stereoselective entry to 2’-deoxy-4’-thio pyrimidine nucleosides”, Tetrahedron Lett. 1998, 39, 3713-3716.
Haraguchi, K.; Takahashi, H.; Nishikawa, A.; Sasakura, E.; Tanaka, H.; Nakamura, K. T.; Miyasaka, T., “Stereoselective synthesis of 4’-thionucleoside from 4-thio furanoid glycal”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 1998, 30, 17-18.
Kumamoto, H.; Shindoh, S.; Tanaka, H.; Gen, E.; Haraguchi, K.; Kittaka, A.; Miyasaka, T., “Stannyl migration from the base to the sugar portion of 1’,2’-unsaturated uridine: the first example of substitution at the 2’-position”, Tetrahedron Lett. 1998, 39, 3761-3764.
Haraguchi, K.; Hosoe, M.; Tanaka, H.; Tsuruoka, S.; Kanmuri, K.; Miyasaka, T., “Intramolecular oxyselenation of (5’S)-C-(4-phenyl-1,3-butadienyl)uridine: synthesis of octosyl nucleosides”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 1997, 29, 15-16.
Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Kanmuri, K.; Kinoshima, S.; Hosoe, M.; Saito, S.; Miyasaka, T., “Diastereoselective synthesis of 5’-C-branched nucleosides based on radical reaction of 5’-monoselenoacetals”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 1996, 28, 43-44.
Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Saito, S.; Kinoshima, S.; Hosoe, M.; Kanmuri, K.; Yamaguchi, K.; Miyasaka, T., “Uridine 5’-monoselenoacetals as substrate for diastereoselective homolytic C-C bond formation”, Tetrahedron 1996, 52, 9469-9484.
Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka. H.; Itoh, Y.; Miyasaka, T., “Allylic substitution of 3’,4’-unsaturated nucleosides: organosilicon-based stereoselective access to 4’-C-branched 2’,3’-didehydro-2’,3’-dideoxy-ribonucleosides”, J. Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 851-858.
Yoshimura, Y.; Kano, F.; Miyazaki, S.; Ashida, N.; Sakata, S.; Haraguchi, K.; Itoh, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “Synthesis and biological evaluation of 1’-C-cyano pyrimidine nucleosides”, Nucleosides Nucleotides 1996, 15, 305-324.
Itoh, Y.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Matsumoto, K.; Nakamura, K. T.; Miyasaka, T., “Radical-initiated 1,2-acyloxy migration which genarates a nucleoside anomeric radical”, Tetrahedron Lett. 1995, 36, 3867-3870.
Itoh, Y.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Gen, E.; Miyasaka, T., “Divergent and stereo-controlled approach to the synthesis of uracil nucleosides branched at the anomeric position”, J. Org. Chem. 1995, 60, 656-662.
Haraguchi, K.; Itoh, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “Stereoselective synthesis of 1’-C-branched uracil nucleosides from uridine”, Nucleosides Nucleotides 1995, 14, 417-420.
Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Saito, S.; Yamaguchi, K.; Miyasaka, T., “Diastereoface selectivity in radical-mediated C-C bond formation of uridine 5’-monoselenoacetals”,Tetrahedron Lett. 1994, 35, 9721-9724.
Haraguchi, K.; Matsumoto, K.; Itoh, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “Synthesis of adenine nucleosides branched at the anomeric position”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 1994, 26, 29-31.
Yamaguchi, K.; Itoh, Y.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “ Structure of a 1’-C-branched uracil nucleoside”, Acta Crystallogr. 1994, C50, 1472-1474.
Haraguchi, K.; Itoh, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “Stereo-controlled C-C bond formation at the anomeric position of uracil nucleosides”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 1993, 25, 31-32.
Haraguchi, K.; Itoh, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Yamaguchi, K.; Miyasaka, T., “Anomeric manipulation of nucleosides: stereospecific entry to 1’-C-branched uracil nucleosides”, Tetrahedron Lett. 1993, 34, 6913-6916.
Haraguchi, K.; Itoh, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Akita, T.; Miyasaka, T. “Uracil and adenine nucleosides having a 2’- or 3’-bromovinyl structure: highly versatile synthons for the synthesis of 2’-C- and 3’-C-branched 2’,3’-unsaturated derivatives”, Tetrahedron 1993, 49, 1371-1390.
Yamaguchi, K.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Itoh, Y.; Miyasaka, T., “Structure of a 4’-C-branched 2’,3’-didehydro-2’,3’-dideoxyuridine”, Acta Crystallogr. 1992, C48, 2277-2278.
Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Itoh, Y.; Miyasaka, T., “Stereoselective synthesis of 4’-carbon-substituted 2’,3’-didehydro-2’,3’-dideoxynucleosides”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 1992, 24, 87-88.
Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Itoh, Y.; Saito, S.; Miyasaka, T., “Stereoselective synthesis of 4’-C-branched 2’,3’-didehydro-2’,3’-dideoxy nucleosides based on SnCl4-promoted allylic rearrangement”, Tetrahedron Lett. 1992, 33, 2841-2844.
Yamaguchi, K.; Matsumura, G.; Haraguchi, K.; Itoh, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “Structure of (3-deoxy-3-phenyseleno-2,5-di-O-pivaloyl-b-D-xylofuranosyl)uracil”, Acta Crystallogr. 1992, C48, 387-389.
Tanaka, H.; Hayakawa, H.; Shibata, S.; Haraguchi, K.; Miyasaka, T., “Synthesis of 6-methyluridine via palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling between a 6-iodouridine derivative and tetramethystannane”, Nucleosides Nucleotides 1992, 11, 319-328.
Haraguchi, K.; Saito, S.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “Pummerer rearrangement of selenium-containing uracil nucleosides”, Nucleosides Nucleotides 1992, 11, 483-493.
Haraguchi, K.; Itoh, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “Synthesis of 2’- or 3’-carbon-substituted 2’,3’-didehydro-2’,3’-dideoxy nucleosides”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 1991, 23, 139-140.
Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Maeda, H.; Itoh, Y.; Saito, S.; Miyasaka, T., “Selenoxide elimination for the synthesis of unsaturated-sugar uracil nucleosides”, J. Org. Chem. 1991, 56, 5401-5408.
Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T. “A highly nucleophilic selenide anion generated from (PhSe)2 and LiAlH4: reactions with cyclic ethers and nucleoside derivatives”, Chemistry of Selenium and Tellurium, 1991, 92.
Haraguchi, K.; Itoh, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “Preparation and reactions of 2’- and 3’-vinyl bromides of uracilnucleosides: versatile synthons for anti-HIV agents”, Tetrahedron Lett. 1991, 32, 3391-3394.
Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Itoh, Y.; Miyasaka, T., “Nucleosidic enol esters: versatile tool for the synthesis of 3’-carbon-substituted nucleosides”, Tetrahedron Lett. 1991, 32, 777-780.
Tanaka, H.; Baba, M.; Hayakawa, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Miyasaka, T.; Ubasawa, M.; Takashima, H.; Sekiya, K.; Nitta, I.; Walker, R. T.; De Clercq, E., “Lithiation of uracilnucleosides and its application to the synthesis of a new class of anti-HIV acyclonucleosides”, Nucleosides Nucleotides 1991, 10, 397-400.
Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “C-C Bond formation at the 3’-position of nucleosides by the use of their enol esters”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 1990, 22, 3-4.
Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “Addition of carbon radicals to 4’,5’-unsaturated uracilnucleosides by the use of organoselenium reagents: a new stereoselective entry to C-C bond formation at the 5’-posotion”, Tetrahedron Lett. 1990, 31, 227-230.
Tanaka, H.; Fukui, M.; Haraguchi, K.; Masaki, M.; Miyasaka, T., “Cleavage of a nucleosidic oxetane with carbanions: synthesis of a highly promising candidate for anti-HIV agents. a phosphonate isostere of AZT 5’-phosphate”, Tetrahedron Lett. 1989, 30, 2567-2570.Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “ Organoselenium-mediated addition of carbon radicals to 4’,5’-unsaturated uracilnucleosides and its stereocontrol”, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 1989, 21, 77-78.
Hayakawa, H.; Tanaka, H.; Sasaki, K.; Haraguchi, K.; Saitoh, T.; Takai, F.; Miyasaka, T., “A lithiation approach to cordycepin analogues variously substituted at the C-8 position”, J. Heterocyclic Chem. 1989, 26, 189-192.
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Hayakawa H.; Tanaka, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Mayumi, M.; Nakajima, M.; Sakamaki, T.; Miyasaka, T., “Preparation of 8-chloropurine nucleosides through the reaction between their C-8 lithiated species and p-toluenesulfonyl chloride”, Nucleosides Nucleotides 1988, 7, 121-128.
Hayakawa, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.; Miyasaka, T., “Direct C-8 lithiation of naturally-occurring purine nucleosides. a simple method for the synthesis of 8-carbon-substituted purine nucleosides”, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 1987, 35, 72-79.
Tanaka, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Koizumi, M.; Miyasaka, T., “Synthesis of 6-alkynylated uridines”, Can. J. Chem. 1986, 64, 1560-1563.
Tanaka, H.; Hayakawa, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Miyasaka, T., “Introduction of an azido group to the C-6 position of uridine by the use of a 6-iodouridine derivative”, Nucleosides Nucleotides 1985, 4, 607-612.
Tanaka, H.; Hayakawa, H.; Iijima, K.; Haraguchi, K.; Miyasaka, T., “Introduction of 3’,5’-O-(tetraisopropyldisiloxane-1,3-diyl)-2’-deoxyuridine: synthesis of 6-substituted 2’-deoxyuridines”, Tetrahedron 1985, 41, 861-866.
Maeda, K., Takamatsu, Y., Kohgo, S., Haraguchi, K., Delino, N. S., Chang, S. B., Das, D., Li, Z., Kirby, K. A., Sarafianos, S. G., Mitsuya, H., “4’-ethynyl-2-fluoro-2’-deoxyadenosine (EFdA) has an extremely high genetic barrier, persistently exerting highly potent activity against a variety of HIV-1 isolates including EFdA-selected HIV-1 variants “5, Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (2015)
Takamatsu, Y.; Tanaka, Y.; Kohgo, S.; Murakami, S.; Singh, K.; Das, D.; Venzon, D. J.; Amano, M.; Kuwata, N.; Aoki, M.; Delino, N. S.; Hayashi, S.; Takahashi, S.; Haraguchi, K.; Sarafianos, S. G.; Maeda, K.; Mitsuya, H.:. 4’-Modified nucleoside analogs: potent Inhibitors active against entecavir-resistant hepatitis B virus (HBVETV-RL180M/S202G/M204V) 54th International Conference on Antiviral Microbial Agents and Chemotherapy 2014, September, Washington, DC.
N. Coen, S. Duraffour, K. Haraguchi, Kaori Yamada, J.J. Van den Oord, J. Balzarini, R. Snoeck, G. Andrei: The highly selective inhibition of Epstein-Barr virus replication by KAY-02-41 is dependent on the virus thymidine kinase. International Conference on Antiviral Research 2013, 5月, Sanfrancisco (2013).
S. Duraffour, K. Haraguchi, R. Drillien, K. Yamada, H. Tanaka, R. Snoeck, G Andrei: KAY-2-41: A novel nucleoside analog as inhibitor of orthopoxviruses in vitro and in vivo. International Conference on Antiviral Research 2013, 5月, Sanfrancisco (2013).
International Conference on Antiviral Research 2013 (2013) (Sanfrancisco)
KAY-2-41: A novel nucleoside analog as inhibitor of orthopoxviruses in vitro and in vivo (2013) (Salamanca, France)
S. Duraffour, K. Haraguchi, R. Drillien, K. Yamada, H. Tanaka, R. Snoeck, G AndreiInternational Conference on Antiviral Research 2013 (2013) (Sanfrancisco)
“The highly selective inhibition of Epstein-Barr virus replication by KAY-02-41 is dependent on the virus thymidine kinase”
N. Coen, S. Duraffour, K. Haraguchi, Kaori Yamada, J.J. Van den Oord, J. Balzarini, R. Snoeck, G. AndreiXIX International Poxvirus, Asfavirus and Iridovirus Conference (2012) (Salamanca, France)
KAY-2-41: A novel nucleoside analog as inhibitor of orthopoxviruses in vitro and in vivo (2012) (Salamanca, France)
S. Duraffour, K. Haraguchi, R. Drillien, K. Yamada, H. Tanaka, R. Snoeck, G AndreiInternational Conference on Antiviral Research 2012 (2012) (Sapporo)
“Synthesis of 4’-ethynyl-2’-deoxy-4’-thioribonucleosides and discovery of a highly potent and less toxic NRTI”
K. Haraguchi, H. Shimada, G. Akutsu, K. Kimura, H. Tanaka, T. Mamasaki, M. Baba, E. A. Gullen, G. E. Dutschman, Y.-C. Cheng, J. Balzarini6th European Meeting on Viral Zoonoses (2011) (Raphael, France)
“A 1’-methyl substituted 4’-thiothymidine as promising inhibitor of orthopoxviruses in vitro and in vivo”
S. Duraffour, K. Haraguchi, K. Yamada, H. Tanaka, R. Snoeck, G. Andreithe 2nd International conference of Medchem 2011 (2011) (Beijing, China)
“Synthesis and Anti-HIV-1 Activity of 4’-Ethynyl-2’-deoxy-4’-thionucleosides”
K. Haraguchi, H. Shimada, G. Akutsu, K. Kimura, H. Tanaka, H. Abe, T. Hamasaki, M. Baba, E. A. Gullen, G. E. Dutschman, Y.-C. Cheng, J. BalzaliniXIX International Round Table on Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (2010) (Lyon, France)
“Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of 4’-C-Ethynyl-2’-deoxy-4’-thionucleosides”
K. Haraguchi, H. Shimada, G. Akutsu, K. Kimura, H. Tanaka, T. Hamasaki, M. Baba, E. A. Gullen, G. E. Dutschman, Y.-C. Cheng, J. BalzaliniGordon Research Conference on Purine, Pyrimidine and Related Substance (Rhode Island) (2009)
“Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of 4’-C-Ethynyl-2’-deoxy-4’-thionucleosides”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Hisashi Shimada, Genta Akutsu, Keigo Kimura, Hiromichi Tanaka, Takayuki Hamasaki, Masanori Baba, Elizabeth A. Gullen, Ginger E. Dutschman, Yung-Chi Cheng, Jan BalzaliniInternational Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (ISMC07) (2008) (Vienna, Austria)
“Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of 4’-Substituted 4’-Thiothymidines: A New Entry Based on Nucleophilic Substitution of 4’-Acetoxy Group”
K. Haraguchi, H. Shimada, H. Tanaka, T. Hamasaki, M. Baba, E. A. Gullen, G. E. Dutschman, and Y.-C. ChengInternational Symposium on advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry (ASMC07) (2007) (St. Petersburg, Russia)
“Nucleophilic Substitution of 4’-Acetoxy-4’-thionucleosides: A New Access to 4’-Substituted 4’-thiothymidines”
K. Haraguchi, Hisashi Shimada, H. TanakaXVII International Round Table on Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (2006) (Bern, Switzerland)
“An Alternative Synthetic Method for 4’-Ethynylstavudine by Means of Nucleophilic Substitution of 4’-Benzoyloxythymine Nucleoside”
K. Haraguchi, M. Sumino, H. Tanaka19th International Conference on Antiviral Research (2006)
(San Juan, Puerto Rico)
“Synthesis of 4’-Carbon-Substituted Stavudine Analogues and SAR Study on Their Anti-HIV Activity”
H. Tanaka, K. Haraguchi, H. Kumamoto, T. Nitanda, M. Baba, G. E. Dutschman, Y.-C. ChengPacifichem(2005) (Honolulu, Hawaii)
“An Alternative Synthetic Method for 4’-Ethynylstavudine, a Highly Promosing Anti-HIV Agent”
K. Haraguchi, M. Sumino, H. TanakaXVIth th International Round Table: Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Their Biological applications (2004) (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
“A New Approach to the Synthesis of 4’-Carbon-substituted nucleosides: Development of a Highly Active Anti-HIV Agent 2’, 3’-Didehydro-3’-deoxy-4’-ethynylthymidine”
K. Haraguchi, S. Takeda, M. Sumino, H. Tanaka, G. E. Dutschman, Y.-C. Cheng, Takao Nitanda, and M. Babathe 17th International Conference on Antiviral Research(Tucson) (2004)
“4’-Ethynyl d4T, a novel nucleoside inhibitor of HIV-1 with unique properties”
T. Nitanda, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Hiromichi Tanaka, Y.-C. Cheng, Masanori BabaGordon Research Conference on Purine, Pyrimidine and Related Substance (Rhode Island) (2003)
“Ring Opening of 4’,5’-Epoxynucleosides: A Novel Stereoselective Entry to 4’-C-Branched Nucleosides”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Shingo Takeda, and Hiromichi TanakaXVth th International Round Table: Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Their Biological applications(2002) (Leuven, Belgium)
“4-Thiofuranoid Glycals: Versatile Synthons for Stereoselective Synthesis of 4’-Thionucleosides”
K. Haraguchi, H. Takahashi, and H. Tanaka11 th International Round Table: Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Their Biological applications(1994) (Leuven, Belgium)
“Stereoselective Synthesis of 1’-C-Branched Uracil Nucleosides From Uridine”
K. Haraguchi, Y. Itoh, H. Tanaka, and T. Miyasaka第2回核酸化学国際シンポジウム(1993)(Sapporo)
“Stereo-controlled C-C Bond Formation at the Anomeric Position of Uracil Nucleosides”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Yoshiharu Itoh, Hiromichi Tanaka, and Tadashi MiyasakaThe 6th international Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and Tellurium (1991) (Osaka, Japan)
“A Highly Nucleophilic Selenide Anion Generated From (PhSe)2 and liAlH4: Reaction with Cyclic ethers and nucleoside derivatives”
K. Haraguchi, H. Tanaka, and T. Miyasaka
片岡裕樹、大澤理輝、眞野修平、船越祟史、平田裕介、天賀谷 拓也、原口一広、新規1’,2’-ジフルオロ-2’-デオキシヌクレオシドの合成研究位、第61回日本薬学会関東支部大会、9月、東京 (2017)
片岡裕樹、熊本裕樹、窪田豊、清水将貴、野口陽香、土屋慶、杉村真奈香、住吉昭彦、山崎龍之介、高尾昌宏、藤井瞳、松本奈穂美,谷拓紀、坂口めぐみ、小野寺遼太郎単離可能なヘミチオアセタールをモチーフとして活用する4’-置換4’-チオリボヌクレオシドの合成研究、日本薬学会第138年会、3月、金沢 (2017)
熊本浩樹、榎本彩花、鈴木桃子、中城健夫、鄭侑利、井本修平、鍬田(東)伸好、天野将之、青木学、阿部洋、福原潔、満屋裕明、原口一広、2’-フルオロBCA誘導体の合成と抗ウイルス作用の評価、日本薬学会第138年会、3月、金沢 (2017)
根岸和雄、原口一広、根岸友恵、リン酸イオンによるシチジン水和物の水脱離反応触媒について”日本薬学会第138年会、3月、金沢 (2017)
熊本浩樹、深野美里、中野智彦、岩上啓人、竹山千晶、小田中友紀、向後 悟、井本修平、天野将之、鍬田(東)伸好、青木 学、満屋裕明、福原 潔、原口一広, ラジカル反応を基軸とする新規6′-フルオロエンテカビルの合成および抗ウイルス作用の評価、日本薬学会第136年会、3月、仙台(2016)
井本修平、向後 悟、徳田 亮、熊本浩樹、青木 学、天野将之、鍬田(東)伸好、満屋裕明、原口一広, “エンテカビルとアデホビルのハイブリッド型化合物:メチレンアシクロヌクレオシド誘導体の合成と抗HBV活性、日本薬学会第135年会、神戸(2015)
熊本浩樹、深野美里、徳田 亮、天野将之、鍬田(東)伸好、原口一広、満屋裕明、福原 潔,“スピロ[2.4]ヘプタン骨格を有する炭素環ヌクレオシドの合成と抗ウイルス作用の評価“日本薬学会第135年会、神戸(2015)
前田賢次、高松悠樹、田中靖人、向後悟、村上周子、Kamlendra Singh、Debananda Das、David J. Venzon、天野将之、鍬田伸好、青木学、Nicole S. Delino、林佐奈衣3、高橋智、原口一広、Stefan G. Sarafianos、満屋裕明、“エンテカビル耐性HBVに有効な新規の逆転写酵素阻害剤の開発”、第25回抗ウイルス療法学会、熊本(2015)
熊本浩樹、深野美里、徳田 亮、天野将之、鍬田(東)伸好、原口一広、満屋裕明、福原 潔、Jan Balzalini、馬場昌範、田中博道:スピロ[2.4]ヘプタン骨格を有する炭素環ヌクレオシドの合成と抗ウイルス作用の評価.日本薬学会第124年会,3月,神戸(2015).
井本修平、向後 悟、徳田 亮、熊本浩樹、青木 学、天野将之、鍬田(東)伸好、満屋裕明、原口一広:エンテカビルとアデホビルのハイブリッド型化合物:メチレンアシクロヌクレオシド誘導体の合成と抗HBV活性.日本薬学会第124年会,3月,神戸(2015).
熊本浩樹、川東祥子、若林宏美、中野智彦、宮池智子、北川康行、阿部洋、伊藤美香、原口一広、Jan Balzalini、馬場昌範、田中博道:gem-ジフルオロシクロブタンヌクレオシドの合成とその抗ウイルス活性.第23回抗ウイルス療法研究会,6月,東京(2013)
窪田 豊、金田有理、原口一広、水野美麗、阿部 洋、周東 智、濱崎隆之、馬場昌範、田中博道:4’-C-メチルジオキソランピリミジンヌクレオシド:合成および配座解析に基づく抗HIV活性の考察.日本薬学会第123年会,3月,熊本(2014).
○熊本浩樹、川東祥子、若林宏美、中野智彦、宮池朋子、阿部 洋、原口一広、田中博道
○新田光代、原 和夫、山本信夫、亀井美和子、木内祐二、原口一広
窪田 豊、○金田有里、原口一広、加藤 宣、馬場 昌範、田中博道”第130年回(2010)(岡山)
窪田 豊、○石崎伸英、原口一広、田中博道”第130年回(2010)(岡山)
○原口 一広第130年回(2010)(岡山)
窪田 豊、江原真理子、熊本浩樹、島田中、原口一広、田中博道第129年回(2009)(京都)
“昭和大学における「疑義照会事前実習トライアル」実施報告~ 学習方略および評価方法の検証”
“Vinylogous Pummerer転位を鍵反応として利用する4-チオフラノイドグリカールから4’-チオリボヌクレオシドの立体選択的な合成に関する研究”
“クロスカップリング反応による5-alkynylcytosine nucleoside類の合成”
“Organoseleniumu Reagents for the Modification of the Sugar Portion of Nucleosides”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Hiromichi Tanaka, Hiroyuki Hayakawa, and Tadashi Miyasaka第16回核酸化学シンポジウム(1989)(千葉)
“Organoselenium-mediated Addition of Carbon Radicals to 4’,5’-Unsaturated Uracilnucleosides and its Stereocontrol”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Hiromichi Tanaka, and Tadashi Miyasaka第17回核酸化学シンポジウム(1990)(名古屋)
“C-C Bond Formation at the 3’-Position of Nucleosides by the Use of Their Enol Esters”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Hiromichi Tanaka, and Tadashi Miyasaka第18回核酸化学シンポジウム(1991)(東北)
“Synthesis of 2’- and 3’-Carbon-Substituted 2’,3’-Didehydro-2’,3’-dideoxy nucleosides”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Yoshiharu Itoh, Hiromichi Tanaka, and Tadashi Miyasaka第19回核酸化学シンポジウム(1992)(福岡)
“Stereoselective Synthesis of 4’-Carbon-substituted 2’,3’-Didehydro-2’,3’-dideoxy nucleosides”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Hiromichi Tanaka, Yoshiharu Itoh, and Tadashi Miyasaka第20回核酸化学シンポジウム(1993)(札幌)
“Stereo-controlled C-C Bond Formation at the Anomeric Position of Uracil Nucleosides”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Yoshiharu Itoh, Hiromichi Tanaka, and Tadashi Miyasaka第21回核酸化学シンポジウム(1994)(松山)
“Synthesis of Adenine Nucleoside Branched at the Anomeric Position”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Kouichiro Matsumoto, Yoshiharu Itoh, Hiromichi Tanaka, and Tadashi Miyasaka第23回核酸化学シンポジウム(1996)(岐阜)
“Diastereoselective Synthesis of 5’-C-Branched Nucleosides Based on Radical Reaction of 5’-Monoselenoacetals”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Hiromichi Tanaka, Kazuhiro Kanmuri, Satomi Kinoshima, Motoi Hosoe, Shigeru Saito, and Tadashi Miyasaka第24回核酸化学シンポジウム(1997)(東京)
“Intramolecular Oxyselenation of 5’(S)-C-(4-Phenyl-1,3-butadienyl)uridine: Synthesis of Octosyl Nucleosides”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Motoi Hosoe, Hiromichi Tanaka, S. Tsuruoka, Kazuhiro Kanmuri, and Tadashi Miyasaka第25回核酸化学シンポジウム(1998)(神戸)
“Stereoselective Synthesis of 4’-Thionucleosides from 4-Thio Furanoid Glycal”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Haruhiko Takahashi, Ayako Nishikawa, Eiko Sasakura, Hiromichi Tanaka, and Tadashi Miyasaka第26回核酸化学シンポジウム(1999)(群馬)
“Synthesis of 3’-a-Carbon-substituted 2’,3’-Dideoxyribonucleosides from Naturally Occurring Nucleosides”
Hiroki Kumamoto, Hiromichi Tanaka, Junko Ogamino, Hisaki Suzuki, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, and Tadashi Miyasaka第28回核酸化学シンポジウム(2001)(横浜)
“Stereoselective Synthesis of 1’-C-Carbon-substituted 4’-thionucleosides from 4-Thiofuranoid glycal”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Haruhiko Takahashi, and Hiromichi Tanaka第28回核酸化学シンポジウム(2002)(横浜)
“Synthesis and Characterization of Oligonucleotides containing Formamidopyrimidine Lesion (Fapy dA, Fapy dG) at Defined Sites”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, M. O. Delaney, C. J. Wiederholt, A. Sambandam, Z. Hantosi, and M. M. Greenberg第29回核酸化学シンポジウム(2002)(京都)
“Ring Opening of Nucleosidic 1’,2’-epoxides with Aluminum Reagent: A New Stereoselective Entry to 1’-C-Substituted Ribonucleosides”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Yutaka Kubota, and Hiromichi Tanaka第29回核酸化学シンポジウム(2002)(京都)
“Reaction of 4’,5’-Epoxynucleosides with Carbon Nucleophiles: Stereoselective Synthesis of 4’-C-Carbon-substituted Nucleosides”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Shingo Takeda, and Hiromichi Tanaka第3回国際核酸化学シンポジウム(第30回核酸化学シンポジウム)(2003)(北海道)
“Stereoselective Synthesis of 2’-b-Carbon-substituted 2’-deoxy-4’-thioribonucleosides from 4-Thiofuranoid glycal”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Noriaki Shiina, Yuichi Yoshimura, Hisashi Shimada, Kyouko Hashimoto, and Hiromichi Tanaka第31回核酸化学シンポジウム(2004)(東京)
“An Alternative Method Suitable for a Large Scale Synthesis of 4’-Ethynyl-2’,3’-didehydro-3’-deoxythymidine”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Masanori Sumino, Hiromichi Tanaka, Takao Nitanda, Masanori Baba, Ginger E. Dutschman, Y.-C. Cheng第31回核酸化学シンポジウム(2004)(東京)
“Stereoselective Synthesis of 4’-Carbon-substituted xylofuranosyladenines”
Yutaka, Kubota, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Mayumi Kunikata, Mariko Hayashi, M. Ohkawa, and Hiromichi Tanaka第31回核酸化学シンポジウム(2004)(東京)
“Synthesis of Carbocyclic analogues of 4’-Ethynyl- and 4’-Cyano-d4T”
Hiroki Kumamoto, Keisuke Kato, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Hiromichi Tanaka, Takao Nitanda, Masanori Baba, G. E. Dutschman, Y.-C. Cheng第4回国際核酸化学シンポジウム(2005)(福岡)
“Synthesis of 4’-Substituted Cordycepins ”
Yutaka Kubota, Mayumi Kunikata, Rumi Ohsawa, Yuria Odajima, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Hiromichi Tanaka第33回国際核酸化学シンポジウム(第5回国際核酸化学シンポジウム)(2006)(大阪)
“Nucleophilic Substitution of 4’-Acetoxy-4’-thionucleosides: A New Access to 4’-Substituted 4’-thiothymidine ”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Hisashi Shimada and Hiromichi Tanaka第34回核酸化学シンポジウム(2007)(東京)
“Additive Pummerer Reaction of 3,5-O-(di-t-butylsilylene)-4-thiofuranoid glycal and Stereoselective Synthesis of b-Anomer of 4’-Thioribonucleosides”
Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Hiromitsu Matsui and Hiromichi Tanaka第35回核酸化学シンポジウム(第6回国際核酸化学シンポジウム)(2008)(京都)
“Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of (±)-4’-ethnyl-5’-difluoro-carbocyclic-D4T analogue”
Hiroki Kumamoto, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Mayumi Ida, Hiromichi Tanaka, Takayuki Hamasaki and Masanori Baba第36回核酸化学シンポジウム(第7回国際核酸化学シンポジウム)(2009)(岐阜)
“Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of 4’-C-Ethynyl-2’-deoxy-4’-thionucleosides”
Haraguchi, K.; Shimada, H.; Akutsu, G.; Kimura, K.; Tanaka, H.; Hamasaki, T.; Baba, M.; Gullen, E. A.; Dutschman, G. E.; Cheng, Y.-C.; Balzalini, J.第36回核酸化学シンポジウム(第7回国際核酸化学シンポジウム)(2009)(岐阜)
“Reaction of the 4’-Benzenesulfonyl derivatives of Thymidine with Organosilicon and Organoaluminum Reagent”
Shimada, H.; Kikuchi, S.; Okuda, S.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.第36回核酸化学シンポジウム(第7回国際核酸化学シンポジウム)(2009)(岐阜)
“Synthesis of 4’-Substituted Cordycepins via benzenesulfenylation at the 4’-position as a key Step”
Kubota, Y. Ehara, M.; Shimada, H.; Haraguchi, K.; Tanaka, H.
原口一広、竹田慎吾、住野正憲、G. E. Dutschman、Y.-C. Cheng、田中博道第15回抗ウイルス化学療法研究会(2005)(屋久島)
熊本 浩樹、中井 隆人、原口一広、田中博道、馬場 昌範、Y.-C. Cheng第16回抗ウイルス化学療法研究会(2006)(福島)
原口一広、島田 央、田中博道、馬場 昌範、Y.-C. Cheng第17回抗ウイルス化学療法研究会(2007)(徳島)
原口一広、屋敷千穂、島田央、田中博道、S. K. Jang第18回抗ウイルス化学療法研究会(2008)(鹿児島)
原口一広、島田央、田中博道、濱崎隆之、馬場昌範、Elizabeth A. Gullen、Ginger E. Dutschman、Yung-Chi Cheng第19回抗ウイルス療法研究会(2009)(東京)
原口一広、島田央、阿久津源太、木村圭吾、田中博道、濱崎隆之、馬場昌範、Elizabeth A. Gullen、Ginger E. Dutschman、Yung-Chi Cheng、Jan Balzarini第20回抗ウイルス療法研究会(2010)(熊本)
第65回有機合成シンポジウム(1994) (東京)
原口一広、伊藤佳治、田中博道、宮坂貞第8回次世代を担う有機合成シンポジウム(2010) (東京)
窪田 豊、國方真由美、原口一広、田中博道第29回メディシナルケミストリーシンポジウム(2010) (京都)
窪田 豊、石崎伸英、原口一広、濱崎隆之、馬場昌範、田中博道道
原口 一広(研究分担者),科学研究費(AMED)、野生型と薬剤耐性B型肝炎ウイルスに強力な活性を発揮する新規治療薬の研究・開発・開発、250万円(2017)
原口 一広(研究分担者),科学研究費(厚生労働省)、B型肝炎ウイルス感染症に対する新規の治療薬の研究・開発、715万円(2016
原口 一広(研究分担者),科学研究費(厚生労働省)、B型肝炎ウイルス感染症に対する新規の治療薬の研究・開発、1700万円(2015)
基盤研究C 課題番号 15590100 研究代表者 原口 一広
平成15年度 150万円
平成16年度 140万円
計 290万円平成17-18年度
基盤研究C 課題番号 17590093 研究代表者 原口 一広
平成17年度 150万円
平成18年度 140万円
計 290万円平成19-20年度
基盤研究C 課題番号 19090106 研究代表者 原口 一広
平成19年度 150万円
平成20年度 130万円
計 280万円平成21-23年度
基盤研究C 課題番号 21590123 研究代表者 原口 一広
平成21年度 150万円
平成22年度 100万円
平成23年度 100万円
計 350万円(予定を含む)平成24-26年度
基盤研究C 課題番号 21590123 研究代表者 原口 一広
平成24年度 170万円
平成25年度 120万円(予定)
平成26年度 120万円(予定)
計 410万円(予定を含む)
研究課題名 B型肝炎ウイルス感染症に対する新規の治療薬の研究・開発
平成24年度 2850万円
薬学研究奨励財団 研究代表者 原口 一広
日比野、石倉、北川、須本、波多江 編 (2018) 新編 医薬化学(廣川書店)分担執筆 ISBN 978-4-567-46156-6
Haraguchi K., Takeda S., Kubota, Y., Kumamoto, H., Tanaka, H., Hamasaki T., Baba M., Paintsil E., Cheng, Y.-C., Urata Y., Next generation anti-HIV Agent 4’-ethynylstavudine: from the bench to the clinic”, Frontiers in Clininal Drug Reseach: HIV, Bentham Science Publishing, volume 1, 123-184 (2015). DOI 10.2174/9781608058969114010007; eISBN: 978-1-60805-896-9; eISSN: 2352-5916; ISBN: 978-1-60805-897-6.
Tanaka, H.; Hayakawa. H.; Haraguchi, K.; Miyasaka, T.; Walker, R. T.; De Clercq. E; Baba, M.; Stammers, D. K.; Stuart, D. I., “HEPT: From an investigation of lithiation of nucleoside towards a rational design of non-nucleosides reverse transcriptase inhibitors of HIV-1”, Advance in Antiviral Drug Design Ed. by E. De Clercq, JAI Press, Greenwich, volume 3, 93-144 (1999).
United States Patent 特許番号:7,589,078
発明者: Professor Cheng; Yung-Chi (エール大学)、Professor Tanaka; Hiromichi (昭和大学)、Professor Baba; Masanori (鹿児島大学)
発明の名称:Anti-viral nucleoside analogs and methods for treating viral infections, especially HIV infections
特許登録日: February 18, 2004.
平成5年度上原記念生命科学財団 研究助成
「抗エイズ作用を有するヌクレオシド系代謝拮抗剤の開発研究:2’または3’位に炭素鎖の置換した2’,3’-ジデヒドロ-2’,3’-ジデオキシヌクレオシドの合成」平成9年度 上條奨学賞
「セレン原子の特性を利用する分岐糖ヌクレオシドの合成研究」平成14年度 第15回ヌクレオシド、ヌクレオチドおよび核酸に関する国際円卓会議(ベルギー)ポスター賞(2002)
「4-Thiofuranoid glycals: versatile synthons for stereoselective synthesis of 4’-thionucleosides」平成14年度 薬学研究奨励財団 奨励賞
「4-チオフラノイドグリカールを糖供与体として利用する4’-チオヌクレオシドの立体選択的な合成法の確立とその血管新生阻害作用に関する研究」平成21年度日本薬学会 佐藤記念国内賞