Department of
Pharmaceutical and Medical Business Sciences

Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Medical Business Sciences
Department of Pharmaceutical and Medical Business Sciences (4-year Bachelor programs, enrollment capacity: 120 people/year)
The primary focus of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Medical Business Sciences is to cultivate students with extensive knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences who can then engage in medical care-related industries and medical institutions and contribute to the improvement and promotion of public health in the local community.
Due to recent deregulation and intensifying competition between companies, large-scale reorganization of industries has been accelerated through mergers and consolidations of medical institutions, and the acquisitions and mergers of medical product manufacturers, distributors, and medical device companies. In addition, related industries such as health food, esthetics, fitness, and elder care have been growing rapidly to meet diversifying consumer needs. At the same time, many medical institutions suffer from chronic deficits, and there is increasing interest in the effective management of these institutions, including hospitals. Issues concerning the shortage and uneven distribution of doctors have also become evident. Furthermore, management leaders in healthcare administration are urgently required, as are medical clerical staff who can assist doctors.
The Department trains students in the fields of science and business by providing a combination of knowledge of pharmaceutical products, , with basic medical knowledge and skills, and with broader knowledge of management and other related areas.
During their studies, students can acquire qualifications for specialties such as Registered Distributor and Health Information Manager through practical education programs provided by professors with expertise in the areas of pharmaceutical sciences and business, and by lecturers who work at the forefront of the medical institutions and medical industries. The Department has proudly maintained high graduate employment rates since the first graduating class.

4-year education trains to be familiar with medical business which is highly demanded by society
The Department of Pharmaceutical and Medical Business Sciences cultivates students to become Registered Distributors and Health Information Managers who support medical institutions based on their knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences in response to increasing demand for these professionals in the coming super-aging society. Through the 4-year programs, students learn math and science-related subjects such as Chemistry, Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Traditional Medicine, Information Literacy, Statistics, Marketing, Business English, and Law. Students can select from these courses based on their future goals.
Pharmaceutical Nutrition Sciences Course
The theme of “medicine and food from the same source,” which is the ethic of oriental medicine, Pharmaceutical Nutrition Sciences Course is characterized by learning both pharmacology and nutrition.
With growing interest in preventive medicine and the achievement of the SDGs through industry-academia-government collaboration, we are aiming to cultivate the human resources who can play an active role in the healthcare field, not only preventing disease, but also promoting health.
Pharmaceutical Sports Sciences Course
In Pharmaceutical Sports Sciences Course, students acquire expertise in pharmaceutical sciences about doping in the sports field and pharmaceutical and food products such as Kampo and health food products, and team the effects it has. Athletes’ doping in sports has recently become a social issue all over the world. In the Basic Act on Sports enforced in 2011, the promotion of doping prevention activities is included, and doping prevention-related learning is included in the Theory of Physical Education in school education. Responding to such social trends, the course trains students who will engage in the development of pharmaceutical product and health food areas related to sports and athlete development.
Pharmaceutical Business Sciences Course
With the rapid growth of various health-related industries, including health food, esthetic, fitness, and elderly care businesses, there are more opportunities for those with both knowledge of medicine and business minds to play important roles. The falling birthrate and aging population fuel the development of medical. nursing health-related service industries and creation of more employment opportunities.
In the Pharmaceutical Business Sciences Course, students learn how to interact with people, the nature of medicine and the mission of pharmaceutical sciences, and the requirements of medical and healthcare specialists. The course trains students who can play important roles in medical institutes, including key career track positions at drugstores, pharmaceutical companies, medicine distribution and trading companies, medical and health-related industries and pharmacies, and human resources with knowledge on medicines. Students aim to obtain the qualification of a Registered Distributor, who can sell over-the-counter drugs (Class 2 and Class 3 OTC drugs) at drugstores and pharmacies.
Pharmaceutical Information Sciences Course
The current clinical field is expected to expand the number of students available to become leaders in the management area and medical clerical workers, and therefore, they are now required to have pharmaceutical expertise as well. Students can differentiate themselves from other Health Information Managers by having the pharmaceutical knowledge, and it will be a strength when they look for a job. It is for this reason that our university has become the only designated school qualified for the examination for Health Information Managers, of all pharmaceutical sciences departments in Japanese universities. This course has accumulated diverse knowledge on qualification acquisition. Pharmaceutical Information Sciences Course trains students who can play important roles at management and medical clerical positions at medical- and health-related industries, including hospitals, welfare facilities, and in healthcare-related areas. It aims to train students with pharmaceutical expertise who will be management leaders in the clinical field and the core persons-in team medical care.
Korean Pharmaceutical Sciences Course
Est. from 2023
From the view of preventive medicine, based on pharmaceutical knowledge, in Korean Pharmaceutical Sciences Course students learn Japanese Traditional Medicine and foreign, especially Korean Traditional Medicine. The course trains students to play a professional role in future preventing disease and deterioration of QOL (Quality Of Life) with target to promote health life.